Monday March 6th, 2018


Kingston, Jamaica: Generation 2000 (G2K) the young professional affiliate of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) has labeled the statement by Peter Bunting as reckless. It was widely reported in the media that Mr. Bunting, when speaking about then JLP candidate Dr. Nigel Clarke said, “In a sense, he reminds me of the black Englishman of colonial times who aspired to be sort of black royalty… He has a great British education and sort of mimicking the values and the affectations of the former colonial masters”.

Our young men and women need more role models like Dr. Nigel Clarke, who are honest, hardworking, and successful. Mr. Bunting’s statement is extremely reckless as it promotes a mindset that something is wrong with Jamaicans aspiring to acquire a good education, to achieve professional success and to use these skills to serve Jamaica. We at G2K believe that education is the best vehicle for persons to achieve upward mobility from poverty to prosperity. Therefore, Mr. Bunting’s statement simply promotes mental poverty,” said G2K President, Stephen Edwards.

Despite the fact that the video of Mr. Bunting’s negative and backward public commentary was made over a week ago there has not been any clear response from the PNP on the matter to either support or reject the position that was put forward by the senior member of their party.

President Edwards further stated, “A negative trend has developed in the PNP’s way of doing things since Peter Phillips became President of the party, where the PNP have resorted to practicing an old-style type of politics which is void of anything constructive. It is not surprising that the PNP leadership nor any of its affiliates have not rejected Peter Bunting’s backward and mean-spirited comments, as they all have been complicit in similar tear-down tactics. It is important that all well-thinking and ambitious Jamaicans reject Peter Bunting’s comments.”

Generation 2000 is calling on Peter Phillips to rein in Peter Bunting and to publicly condemn his statement as a matter of urgency, given that his negative public commentary continues to damage the self-perception of young Jamaicans, inhibiting their growth and the growth of the nation by extension.

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