

  1. NAME
    The name of the Organization shall be Generation 2000 or G2K which terms may be used interchangeably.
    A. To create a better Jamaica through an organized and effective Jamaica Labour Party (JLP).
    B. To collaborate and co-operate with the Jamaica Labour Party on all issues the G2K and the Party may deem necessary, and to the extent as may be agreed from time to time to be appropriate.
    C. To promote, communicate, and foster the principles of democracy to all the people of Jamaica.
    D. To undertake research in and to publish the findings of all aspects of the social, political and economic life of peoples of Jamaica.
    E. To stimulate interest in the importance of political education.
    F. To provide facilities for the advancement of knowledge and understanding of the principles of transparency, accountability and good governance.
    G. To publish such material as is desirable in furtherance of the educational objectives of G2K.
    H. To establish and maintain a library and collection of literature, films, videotapes and other visual and audio-visual and other materials relating to politics and political ideologies and to afford facilities for the use of the same.
    I. To bring together persons and organizations interested in the principles and politics of democracy and democratic organizations by such means as conferences and meetings, the reading of papers and the promotion of research.
    J. To accept gifts, donations and bequests and devices for the purposes of G2K and to undertake and execute any trusts in respect of any such bequest or device and to solicit and appeal for any such gifts, donations or bequests as aforesaid.
    K. To apply for, solicit, obtain, accept and utilize international, government, departmental, municipal or other grants towards carrying out the objects of G2K.
    L. To subscribe to any local or other political institution or organization and to grant donations for any political, educational, charitable or cultural purpose.
    M. To promote, form, establish and/or support any institution, society, company or association not formed for profit and being an educational or political organization with objects broadly similar to those of G2K and the Jamaica Labour Party.
    N. To amalgamate or affiliate with any institution, society, company or association being an educational or political organization with objects broadly similar to those of G2K and the JLP and prohibiting the distribution of its property and income amongst its members.
    O. To promote, preserve and defend the rights of all Jamaicans for recognition of those rights in the society including educational, cultural, political social, religious and economic opportunities;
    P. To do all such other lawful things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives or any of them.
    A. All members of G2K shall be bound by the G2K Code of Conduct annexed to this Constitution.
    B. Any breach of the Code of Conduct shall render the offending member liable to disciplinary proceedings and possible expulsion from G2K.
    A. G2K shall be comprised of-:
    (i) The Central Committee
    (ii) The Management Committee
    (iii) The Chapters
    (iv) Direct Members
    (v) Affiliate Groups
    B. The Management Committee shall have the authority to make all operational, executive and policy-making decisions in respect of the organization, reporting such decisions to the Central Committee at the regular and special meetings of the said Central Committee.
    A. G2K shall at all times make its best efforts to ensure that there shall be no less than one Chapter of G2K in every parish. Chapters may be inaugurated by:
    (i) The Management Committee
    (ii) The Central Committee, ratified by the Management Committee
    B. Chapters shall have such structure and officers and shall operate in accordance with such rules and regulations as from time to time shall be promulgated by the Management Committee and reported to the Central Committee, provided that the Chapter Roles, Rules and Responsibilities existing at the time of adoption of the Constitution shall apply without further action or agreement by any Committee of G2K, until amended. If any provision in the said document conflicts with a provision in the Constitution, the Constitution shall prevail.
    C. Each G2K Affiliated Group may, having informed the General Secretary of G2K in writing, appoint one individual to represent it at meetings of the Central Committee, but such individuals shall not form a quorum, nor have the power to vote In the event of such individual person resigning or otherwise leaving the G2K Affiliated Group he or she shall forthwith cease to be a representative thereof. The G2K Affiliated Group shall have the right to appoint a new representative, but such representative shall not be permitted to act in such capacity until the General Secretary of G2K has been advised in writing of the change.
    A. The Management Committee shall be comprised of The President, 4 Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, General Secretary, 4 Deputy General Secretaries, Legal Advisor and a maximum of 4 co-opted members. No person shall be elected President who was not a member of the Management Committee in the year preceding his candidacy.
    B. The positions of President and Vice Presidents shall be elected and those members of the Management Committee which do not hold elected positions, shall be appointed within 14 days of the election of the said President and Vice Presidents save and except the co-opted members which shall be appointed as deemed appropriate by the Management Committee.
    C. The Management Committee shall develop the electoral procedures, which shall apply to the nomination and election of the officers of G2K, including those of its Chapters.
    D. The Management Committee shall from time to time agree and designate in writing, the roles and responsibilities of each position within the Management Committee
    E. The Management Committee shall appoint such committees, as it deems necessary from time to time and shall set the goals and objectives for each committee and for G2K in general. The Management Committee shall also ratify any subcommittees established by any committees so appointed.
    F. Each member of the Management Committee shall take such action individually and through their respective Committees as are necessary to implement such goals and objectives as have been ratified or otherwise designated by the Management Committee.
    G. The Management Committee shall have the power to remove and replace any member of its committees or sub-committees who is found to not be performing his duties effectively, fairly, impartially and / or in the interests of the organization. Such removal and / or replacement may be made upon recommendation from the MCDC or any three members of the Management Committee and shall be effective on a two-thirds majority vote of the Management Committee.
    H. The Management Committee shall have general powers of decision making generally on behalf of the organization and the principle of collective responsibility shall govern all decisions taken by this Committee.
    I. Unless otherwise specified herein, decisions of the Management Committee shall be taken by a simple majority of members of the Committee present and voting.
    J. The President or such person appointed by him to act in his stead will always have the casting vote in the event of a tied vote in any meeting of the Management Committee.
    K. There shall be no less than one meeting of the Management Committee per week unless otherwise agreed in special circumstances, but under no circumstances shall meetings of the Management Committee not be held for a period in excess of one month. Management Committee meetings may however be convened more than once per week by the President or his designate, if deemed necessary in the interest of the organization.
    A. The Central Committee shall be comprised of the Members of the Management Committee; from each Chapter, the President and one other member of the Chapter Executive elected for that particular representative position on the Committee by the members of the Chapter; one nominee from each Affiliated Group; and a maximum of 5 co-opted members agreed by the previously mentioned members of the Central Committee.
    B. The President of G2K or such person appointed by him shall chair the Central Committee and the General Secretary of G2K or his designate shall be the Secretary of the Central Committee. The Central committee shall otherwise from time to time agree the roles and responsibilities of the members of the Central Committee.
    C. Each member of the Central Committee shall take such action individually and through their respective Committees and Chapters as are necessary to implement such goals and objectives as have been ratified or otherwise designated by the Management Committee.
    D. The Central Committee shall have the power to appoint special committees or sub-committees
    E. The Central Committee shall have the power to remove and replace any member of its committees or sub-committees who is found to not performing his duties effectively, fairly, and in the interests of the organization. Such removal and / or replacement may be made upon recommendation from the MCDC or any three members of the Central Committee and shall be effective on a two-thirds majority vote of the said Central Committee.
    F. Unless otherwise specified herein, decisions of the Central Committee shall be taken by a simple majority of members present and voting and the principle of Collective Responsibility shall apply.
    G. The Central Committee may recommend goals and objectives of G2K to the Management Committee for ratification.
    H. The President or his designated Chairperson shall have the casting vote in the event of a tied vote at any meeting of the Central Committee
    I. The Central Committee shall convene regular meetings no less than three (3) times per year, and otherwise on such days and at such times as shall from time to time be determined, provided that members shall be given no less than 10 days notice of any meeting.
    A. Individuals of 18 years and over may become Members of the G2K by:
    (i)registering as a Direct Member
    (ii)registering as a member of an Affiliate Group
    B. Direct Membership
    (i) Any application for Direct Membership shall be signed by the Applicant and two members of the Management Committee or the Chairman and Secretary of the Chapter to which they are seeking membership.
    (ii) Direct Members shall be entitled to hold office in the organization if elected or appointed in accordance with the Constitution and such rules and regulations as may be issued by the Management committee from time to time.
    (iii) Direct Members shall have the right to attend Annual General Meetings and Extraordinary General Meetings of G2K
    (iv) A Registry or database of Direct Members shall be maintained at the main office of G2K and shall be maintained by the General Secretary or such person as he may from time to time designate.
    C. Affiliate Membership
    Such national, international and local voluntary or non-profit organizations, whether corporate or unincorporated, as are interested in furthering the work principles and objectives of G2K may from time to time be designated as G2K Affiliated Groups by the Management Committee.
    D. The Management Committee reserves the right to create different categories of membership as and when it deems such categories appropriate and in the interests of the organization.
    E. All members and G2K affiliated groups shall pay such subscription fees as the Management Committee may from time to time prescribe.
    A. Only Direct Members of G2K shall be eligible to serve as Co-opted Members of the Management Committee or of the Central Committee.
    B. If vacancies occur among the Co-opted Members of the Central Committee or of the Management Committee, the relevant Committee shall have the power to fill these from amongst its Direct Members. Any person appointed to fill such a casual vacancy shall hold office until conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting of G2K and shall be eligible for election at that meeting.
    A. The Management Committee shall appoint a Disciplinary Committee (DC), which shall have power to investigate and decide on any suspected or reported breaches of discipline by the members of G2K including its elected officers.
    B. The Management Committee at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting shall appoint the members of the Disciplinary Committee, which shall be comprised of no less than five members of G2K, of which shall be members of the Management Committee. The Management Committee may appoint a member of the Jamaica Labour Party who is not a member of G2K to be a member of the DC in circumstances where the Management Committee deems it appropriate. Save as set out in section 11B, the DC shall in no event exceed a total of 7 persons. The DC may, in respect of the hearing of any matter, sit in a panel of uneven number.
    C. In the event that a member of the Central Committee is brought before the DC, the Central Committee may appoint no more than two members of the said Central Committee who are not members of the Management Committee, to sit as part of the DC for the purposes of such hearing.
    A. Any officer, whether elected or appointed, who: -
    (i) Shall, within an administrative year, be absent from 5 or more meetings in the case of the Management Committee, or 2 or more meetings in the case of the Central Committee, without leave or prior apology tendered to the relevant Committee; or
    (ii) has misappropriated JLP funds or funds of Generation 2000; or
    (iii) has conducted themselves in a manner not in the interests of Generation 2000 or likely to bring or so as to bring the Party or Generation 2000 into disrepute, may be brought to answer such charges to the DC and if the explanation for same is agreed to be unsatisfactory or if no explanation is forthcoming then the Management Committee, on recommendation by the DC, may revoke the membership of such officer or member as the case may be, or shall determine and impose such sanction as deemed fit. In any event, in respect of items A (i) and (ii) with or without a hearing or finding by the DC, such person shall not be eligible to vote to select the next administration, nor stand for election re-election appointment or re-appointment to the next administration of the Management or Central Committee as relevant. In respect of item A (iii), the officer or member may only lose eligibility to vote, if a disciplinary hearing has been held, and the relevant charge or charges proved.
    B. Where by reason of the foregoing absence, investigation, revocation of membership or other such sanction, any member of the Management Committee is precluded temporarily or permanently from performing the function of his office, the Management Committee or Central Committee as relevant, shall appoint another member of the said relevant Committee to perform such function until such post is filled at the next General Meeting. Any further vacancy thereby created, may also in turn be filled by co-opting a Direct Member for that purpose. The members appointed to fill vacancies shall have such responsibilities, rights and obligations as if they were originally elected or appointed to the relevant positions.
    A. The DC shall have the right for good and sufficient reason to recommend to the Management Committee that the membership of an individual or an affiliated group should be suspended or terminated, provided that the individual member or the individual representing the affiliated group shall have the right to be heard by the DC before the final decision is made by the Management Committee.
    B. Where a member of G2K has been convicted of a criminal offence his membership shall be automatically revoked, and such revocation shall have no right of appeal. Where such a conviction is overturned, membership shall be automatically re-instated.
    A. The General Meeting of G2K shall be held at least once per year in each year at such time (not being more than 15 months after the holding of the preceding Annual General Meeting) and place, as the Management Committee shall determine. At least 21 clear days’ notice shall be given in writing by the Legal Advisor to the membership of G2K. The business shall include: -
    (i) Election of the President and Vice-Presidents of the Management Committee.
    (ii) Consideration of the Annual Report of work done by or under the auspices of the Central Committee.
    (iii)  appointment or reappointment of the accountant to produce next accountant report
    (iv) Consideration of the Annual Report of work done by or under the auspices of the Management Committee.
    (v) Consideration of any other business of which due notice has been given.
    (vi) Whenever necessary, consideration of and voting on proposals to alter this Constitution in accordance with clause 20 hereof
    B. At the Annual General Meeting, the Central Committee shall elect the President and 4 Vice-Presidents of G2K, until such time as an electoral procedure is developed by the Central Committee and ratified by the Management Committee, as shall ensure that all Direct Members of G2K may vote at the Annual General Meeting for the purpose of electing the said President and 4 Vice Presidents of G2K
    C. An Extraordinary General Meeting of G2K may be called by:
    (i)The President; or
    (ii)The Management Committee; or
    (iii)The Central Committee; or
    and the Legal Advisor shall within 21 days of receiving a written request so to do and setting out reasons for the request, call a Special General Meeting of the Organization, providing no less than 7 days notice of the meeting to the members of the Organization,
    D. All resolutions intended to be moved at an Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting shall be submitted in writing to the General Secretary within 7 days of receipt of notice of the meeting. The General Secretary shall ensure that such resolutions are circulated to all members entitled to vote at such meeting, no less than 7 days before the said meeting.
    E. Where a notice of a meeting is to be provided pursuant to this Constitution, such notice may be sent by electronic mail, facsimile or post to the addresses or numbers on the G2K Membership Application Form (unless the Secretariat has been notified of a change of number or address), or publication by any electronic or print media with national circulation. Notices will be deemed sent / delivered as follows:
    (i) electronic mail or facsimile – the same day sent, or next business day if sent after 5pm.
    (ii) Post – 5 days after mailing
    (iii) Publication in print or electronic media – the day of publication.
    A. The Management Committee may hire, appoint or dismiss and fix the remuneration of such staff or contractors as may in its opinion be necessary for the operation of the organization.
    B. The Management Committee may determine which persons contracted to Generation 2000, if any, shall be invited to attend meetings of Management Committee. Such invitees shall not be entitled to vote or eligible to form a quorum.
    A. Voting
    Save as expressly provided otherwise herein, all issues arising at any meeting shall be decided by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote thereat. No member shall exercise more than one vote save in the event that such member represents the interest of another by proxy presented in writing to the Chairman, prior to any meeting at which such vote is to be held. In case of an equality of votes the Chairman, save where this Constitution has specified the President, shall have a second or casting vote.
    B. Quorum
    In respect of all meetings duly called in accordance with the relevant provisions herein, the following quora shall apply:
    (i) five members of the Management Committee (being the President or his designate and 4 others) shall form a quorum at meetings of the Management Committee;
    (ii) one-third of the Central Committee, shall form a quorum at meetings of the Central Committee; and
    (iii) Twenty-five (25) members or one-third of the members, whichever is the greater, shall form a quorum at General Meetings of the Organization.
    C. Minutes
    Minute books shall be kept by all the committees and the Legal Advisor and in the absence of the Legal Advisor any member appointed by any committee shall enter therein a record of all proceedings and resolutions.
    The Management Committee and Central Committee shall have power to adopt and issue Standing Orders and/or Rules for the Conduct of its respective meetings. Such Standing Orders and Rules shall come into operation immediately, provided always that they shall be subject to review by the Central Committee and shall not be inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution.
    A. All money(s) raised by or on behalf of G2K shall be handed over to the Treasurer who shall give an account for same in the financial reports corresponding to receipt of such money(s) and shall be applied to further the objects of G2K and for no other purpose, provided that nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any employee of G2K or the repayment of reasonable out of pocket expenses.
    B. The Treasurer together with the Deputy Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of the finances of G2K. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Deputy Treasurer shall, without more, act in his stead.
    C. An accountant’s report shall be prepared in respect of G2K’s finances, no less than once per financial year and distributed the Management Committee, and such donors, as the Management Committee deems necessary.
    D. The financial year shall be for the period January 01 to December 31 of each year.
    E. A Bank Account shall be opened in the name of G2K with any bank considered most appropriate by the Management Committee on the recommendation of the Treasurer. The Management Committee shall authorize in writing the following persons to sign cheques on behalf of the Organization:
    The Treasurer and the Deputy Treasurer of G2K as class A signatories, and the President and any other two Management Committee members as class B signatories.
    All cheques must be signed by no less than one class A signatory and no two class B signatories may sign.
    F. Any deviation from paragraph (A) herein shall be subject to disciplinary proceedings before the relevant body.
    The title to all real or personal property which may be acquired by or on behalf of G2K shall be vested in a Trust Company or in a body of not less than three nor more than seven individuals who shall enter into a Deed of Trust setting forth the purposes and conditions under which they hold such property in trust for G2K. In the event of the incorporation of a Trust Company, no less than one member of the Management Committee shall sit on the Board, and in the event of execution of a Trust Deed, not less than one member of the Management Committee shall be a signatory. In no event shall members of the Management Committee form a majority sitting or signing respectively.
    If the Management Committee by a two thirds majority present and voting decides at any time that on the ground of expense or otherwise it is necessary or advisable to dissolve G2K, it shall call a meeting of all members of G2K who have the power to vote, of which meeting not less than 21 days’ notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed thereat) shall be provided to all members of G2K. If such decision shall be confirmed by a two-thirds majority of the Central Committee, the Management Committee shall have power to take such action as may be necessary to dispose of any assets held by or in the name of G2K. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be applied towards such purposes for the benefit of the Jamaica Labour Party or other non-profit organization (s) as the Management Committee may decide.
    Any proposal to alter this Constitution must be delivered in writing to the Legal Advisor not less than 45 days before the date of the meeting at which it is first to be considered. An alteration will require:
    A. approval by a two-thirds majority of members of the Management Committee present and voting at a Management Committee Meeting;
    B. confirmation by a two-thirds majority of the Central Committee.
    In respect of the matter of eligibility to vote and to be elected or appointed as an officer of G2K, this Constitution shall apply to the administration of G2K in place on the date of the adoption of the Constitution as if it were adopted on the date of the commencement of the said Administration in October 2003.
    This Constitution was adopted as the Constitution of G2K at a meeting of the Management Committee duly convened at 20 Belmont Road, Kingston 5, this day of 2004.


The following are seven (7) principles that all members engaged in the activities of G2K are expected to uphold at all times.

    All members are expected to have a strong commitment to service. This should be unwavering to the Organisation, the Jamaica Labour Party and the Country with the highest level of commitment.
    Members refrain from activities deemed corrupt, immoral and/or illegal, and shall conduct themselves with the highest level of integrity, representational of the Organisation and the JLP.
    All members are expected to be respectful to all other members of G2K, party colleagues, political opponents and indeed all persons with whom members may come in contact.
    All members are expected to be honest and straightforward with fellow members, party colleagues, political opponents and all persons whom they come in contact.
    All members are expected to be accountable at all times to G2K, the JLP and to their colleagues.
    All members are expected to be loyal at all times to their country, G2K as an Organisation, the JLP and their colleagues. Loyalty means that the integrity of your actions ensures that G2K and its members are protected at all times.
    All members are expected to act in a polite manner, and to ensure that their behaviour and character are unquestionable always.