Chapter Rules and Roles

G2K Chapter Rules and Roles


    The Chapters, as defined by Generation 2000 (hereinafter interchangeably referred to as “G2K” or “the Organization”), are structured to provide regional management operations units of G2K, having divisions working in a complementary manner to fulfil the objectives of G2K under the guidance and supervision of the National Management Committee of Generation 2000 (“Management Committee”).
    There shall only be one G2K Parish Chapter per parish, save that it is understood that each parish may have several chapters within the parish which are based at, and comprised of membership from educational or other institutions (“Institutional Chapters”).
    The primary objectives of each Chapter shall be:
    (a) To act as a link between local interests of the Parish, its Constituencies, Polling Divisions and G2K.
    (b) To identify and list matters which are real concerns of the membership of the Parish and to bring these to the attention of the G2K Management Committee.
    (c) To devise and implement methods of increasing and maintaining the membership of G2K within the Parish.
    (d) To monitor, evaluate and assist in the effectiveness of G2K’s operation in the Parish, Constituencies and Divisions.
    (e) To organise Parish fundraising events and to establish a “G2K Chapter Fund Account” in co-ordination with the treasury of G2K.
    (f) To actively participate and assist with organising events, political and otherwise, that will enhance the overall objectives and development of G2K and the Jamaica Labour Party.
    The Chapter shall subscribe and adhere to the general objects of G2K as outlined in its Constitution and by-laws as may be amended by the Management Committee of G2K from time to time. (Until such documents are published, all constitutional, disciplinary, and regulatory matters are to be referred to the Management Committee.)
    The terms of this document and any other document such as those earlier mentioned, shall apply to Overseas and Institutional Chapters as if they were Parish Chapters, save that they shall be required to have a minimum membership of 30, rather than 60 to obtain and retain Chapter status.
    3. STRUCTURE (Refer to Page 9 – Organisational Chart)

The Chapter shall report directly to the Management Committee which shall have ultimate oversight and supervisory responsibilities for the Chapter and which shall from time to time prescribe tasks and programmes aligned with the Organization’s objectives, for implementation by the said Chapters.

The General Secretary and Deputy General Secretaries together constituting the Central Secretariat, shall have operational, functional and general oversight responsibilities in respect of the Chapters, and shall also have administrative and activity co-coordinating responsibilities for the Chapters.

The Central Secretariat shall, subject to ratification by the Management Committee appoint such subcommittees as may be necessary to effectively administer its responsibilities in respect of the Chapters, including but not limited to a Selection Committee.


The membership of the Chapter shall be made up of young professionals who represent a wide cross-section of economic and social interests from each Constituency/Polling Division of the Parish.

To qualify as a Chapter member, a candidate shall first be a direct member of G2K, shall be a supporter of the Jamaica Labour Party, and shall be enumerated.

To qualify for Chapter status, a Steering Committee shall have procured:

(a) In respect of a Parish Chapter, a minimum of sixty (60) direct members of G2K within the relevant Parish.
(b) In respect of an Overseas or Institutional Chapter, a minimum of thirty (30) direct members of G2K within the relevant overseas location or Institution, respectively.

    The duly accredited membership of the Chapter convened together at the annual meeting shall form the Chapter Annual General Meeting (“CAGM”).
    The first CAGM shall be held no later than fourteen (14) months after the date of the granting of Chapter status by the Management Committee of G2K upon the issuance of at least thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to its membership. Notice may be issued by (a) regular mail, or (b) electronic mail, or (c) publishing in a daily newspaper of general circulation within the Parish.
    Thereafter, meetings shall be held within 14 months of the previous CAGM, upon the issuance of at least thirty (30) days’ notice in writing to its membership. Notice may be issued by (a) regular mail, or (b) electronic mail, or (c) publishing in a daily newspaper of general circulation within the Parish.
    The quorum of the CAGM or any extraordinary meeting of the Chapter membership shall be one third (1/3) of total registered membership of the Chapter.
    The members of the Chapter at the CAGM, shall elect from among them the Officers of the Chapter (refer 6.1). The Officers shall hold office until the next CAGM, unless such term is earlier terminated by reason of resignation, or removal by the CEC or the Management Committee. . All officers shall demit office at the end of the term, and shall be eligible for re-election at the next CAGM for no more than four (4) consecutive one-year terms.
    The CAGM shall receive an annual Chapter Executive Committee Report from the Chairman, as well as an audited Financial Report from its Treasurer. All other Officers of the Chapter Executive Committee shall also report on activities on their respective areas of responsibilities.
    The Chapter Executive Committee may, upon issuance of no less than fourteen (14) days’ notice, convene an extraordinary meeting of the entire membership, which would be equivalent in authority and supremacy as a CAGM at any time. This notice shall also be issued to the Management Committee of G2K through the President or General Secretary along with a written summary of the principal reason / reasons for the said meeting.
    Two-thirds of the membership of the Chapter may request in writing that the Management Committee of the G2K convene a meeting for the purposes of considering any matter, which they believe to be critical to the interests of the Chapter or G2K as a whole. The Management Committee shall have the right to accept or refuse such request based on its initial investigations and the representations contained in the written request.
    Decisions at the CAGM or any extraordinary meeting of the Chapter membership shall be by consensus or if voted upon by simple majority or two-thirds (2/3) of the members present, which shall not be less than the stipulated quorum (refer Section 5.4).
    The CAGM shall elect the following Executive Officers which shall together constitute the Chapter Executive Committee (“CEC”):(a) Chairman(b) Two Vice Chairmen(c) Secretary(d) Treasurer
    Members wishing to be elected for these offices shall submit their interest in writing to the G2K Selection Committee for ratification and selection no less than 21 days prior to the CAC’s issuance of notice of a CAGM. Final approval or refusal will be notified to the relevant members as early as reasonably practicable prior to issuance of notice of the CAGM no later than thirty (30) days prior to the CAGM. Only members approved by the Selection Committee will be eligible to for election to any position of Officer of a Chapter.
    The CEC shall also include one (1) representative from each Constituency located in the Parish as defined by the Laws of Jamaica (refer Section 11 Constituency Representative).
    The CEC may also co-opt a maximum of four (4) other Chapter members to the Executive to carry out critical functions that may arise from time to time. The names of these co-opted members should be submitted to the Selection Committee with a description of their intended roles and responsibilities for ratification/approval before the co-opted member can assume such roles and responsibilities.
    The CEC may appoint a constituency liaison officer charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the CEC is aware of issues in the constituencies in the parish, and to manage relationships with the stakeholders in the said constituencies.
    The CEC shall decide on the frequency of its meetings but shall meet no less than twice per month. The quorum of the CEC shall be one-half (1/2) plus one of the total elected and co-opt members of the Committee at the time the meeting is being convened.
    The CEC shall submit quarterly written reports to the G2K Management Committee, through the General Secretary/Central Secretariat detailing the Chapters’ financial, political and social activities for the period. This report shall be submitted along with the Chapter Secretary’s quarterly report (See 9.3).
    The CEC may, subject to ratification by the Selection Committee, appoint any Member to act in an Officer’s position where a vacancy on the CEC arises due to resignation or removal, until such vacancy is filled at a CAGM or extraordinary meeting of the membership of the Chapter.
    The CEC shall appoint such committees and sub-committees from within the membership of the Chapter as it may see fit, and these Committees shall report directly to the CEC.
    The CEC shall have the power to convene any meeting of any grouping of members of the Chapter to discuss whatever matter as it sees fit.
    The CEC shall be directly accountable to the Management Committee for any failure to implement tasks or programmes proposed by the Management Committee, and its officers shall be liable to such disciplinary action as may be deemed reasonable by the Management Committee or such committee appointed by the Management Committee and charged with responsibility for disciplinary matters.
    Direct the affairs of the Chapter in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Chapter and the Constitution and By-Laws of G2K.
    The Chapter Chairman (“CC”) is responsible for ensuring that the Chapter reports regularly on management and operational activities in the Parish and cause the Treasurer of the Chapter to submit monthly financial reports to the Treasurer of G2K on the financial affairs of the Chapter (refer 6.6).
    To assemble and maintain a cohesive group that is committed to the objectives, beliefs and principles of G2K.
    To ensure that tasks and programmes proposed by the Management Committee are effectively implemented by the Chapter.
    Together with the Chapter Secretary to ensure that no person who is not a supporter of the JLP or G2K are admitted as members to the Chapter.
    To aid in the continuous improvement of the functional role of G2K in fulfilling its core responsibilities and duties to the wider membership, the Jamaica Labour Party and the country.
    To preside at all Executive meetings and meetings of the Chapter, Constituency groupings and divisional groupings that are direct membership to G2K, or to designate a suitable representative from within the CEC to preside in his stead.
    To motivate and encourage influential young professionals that are supporters of the Jamaica Labour Party to become members of G2K.
    To liaise with the Executive, Management Committee and Central Secretariat as may be reasonably required for the effective performance of duties.
    To attend Management Committee meetings as requested by the Management Committee, to make reports on the general activities and programmes being carried out by the Chapter and to discuss issues or concerns as it relates to the Chapter and G2K.
    To assist the Chairman in performing the duties of the office.
    In the absence of the Chairman, to act in the role of the Chairman in performing the designated duties of the Office.
    To assume and perform the responsibilities and functions designated by the Chapter Chairman, the Executive of G2K and the Management of the G2K.
    To maintain a database, in computer software as stipulated by the Central Secretariat, of the name, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of all members of the Chapter, which shall be updated as needed and submitted to the Central Secretariat of G2K, on a quarterly basis or such other period as may be designated by the Executive Committee from time to time.
    To ensure that the stipulated meetings of the Chapter are held at the scheduled date and times.
    To keep minutes and an attendance record of meetings of the Chapter and send a written summary to the General Secretary by March 31st, June 30th, September 30th and December 31st of each year (i.e. at the end of each quarter of the calendar year.
    To monitor, follow up and take such action as may be necessary to ensure that decisions taken at meetings are implemented.
    To ensure that all members of the Chapter are direct members of G2K, and together with the Chapter Chairman, to ensure that no person who is not a supporter of the JLP or the G2K are admitted as members of the Chapter.
    To maintain contact with the other Chapters and other such groupings affiliated to G2K.\To motivate and encourage influential citizens to become direct members of G2K and if possible become involved in the activities of G2K.
    The Chapter Treasurer (“CT”) shall be the official accountant/book keeper of the Chapter, and shall be responsible for opening an operating bank account in the name of “G2K ’parish name’ Chapter Account” or “G2K ‘overseas location’ / ‘Institution name’ Chapter Account” as relevant.
    The Chapter Treasurer shall be a joint signatory to the Chapter’s said bank account, along with each and any of the Chapter Chairman and two (2) other members of the CEC, as chosen from among themselves.
    The Chapter Treasurer is to ensure the safety, preservation and proper management of any financial and property assets of the Chapter, or of G2K located in his geographical area of responsibility.
    To collect and manage all monies available to the Chapter, and to ensure that the National Treasury is copied on all letters soliciting funds for the benefit of the Chapter.
    To keep proper records of the finances and assets of the Chapter.
    To establish and chair a fundraising committee of the Chapter and to ensure that it operates efficiently and effectively.
    To advise the CEC on the Chapters’ financial ability to undertake proposed programmes and activities before their implementation.
    To attend as a matter of priority, meetings of the Executive and/or Management Committee of G2K when requested.
    To submit quarterly financial reports to the National Treasury of G2K on the financial affairs of the Chapter in such form as may be designated or requested by the Treasury and to submit any further information on the financial affairs of the Chapter which may from time to time be requested by the National Treasury. For the avoidance of doubt, the quarterly report must contain a current list of all donors to the Chapter.
    To submit a complete statement of accounts to the CAGM as a part of a report.
    All members of G2K represent the Organisation and the JLP, and as such, members are expected to display the highest level of professionalism, ethics and morality at all times.
    The CEC shall be the disciplinary committee of the Chapter, and may appoint from among itself a sub-committee to investigate and make recommendations to it on any particular disciplinary matter.
    The member(s) under investigation may appeal to the Management Committee of G2K, or a sub-committee appointed by the Management Committee, which has final disciplinary authority in the Organization.
    The Management Committee or such sub-committee thereby designated shall, subject any requisite hearing process, have the power to suspend or terminate any membership to the G2K where it finds such suspension or termination in the best interests of the Chapter or G2K as a whole. For the avoidance of doubt, such suspension or termination need not occur by way of CAGM or extraordinary meeting.
    The Management Committee or such sub-committee thereby designated shall have the power to review all decisions taken by the CEC on all matters of discipline, and may enquire into, investigate and decide on any matter within the Chapter, including but not limited to the operations of the CEC, which it deems of critical interest to the G2K.
    The CEC may, in its discretion and in consultation with the Management Committee or such sub-Committee appointed by the Management Committee, draft such further rules and regulations to govern the operations and affairs of the Chapter. These however cannot be in conflict with or be less rigid than the rules and regulations of G2K.
    The following are seven (7) principles that all members engaged in the activities of G2K are expected to uphold at all times.
    All members are expected to have a strong commitment to service. This should be unwavering to the Organisation, the Jamaica Labour Party and the Country with the highest level of commitment.
    Members refrain from activities deemed corrupt, immoral and/or illegal, and shall conduct themselves with the highest level of integrity, representational of the Organisation and the JLP.
    All members are expected to be respectful to all other members of G2K, party colleagues, political opponents and indeed all persons with whom members may come in contact.
    All members are expected to be honest and straightforward with fellow members, party colleagues, political opponents and all persons whom they come in contact.
    All members are expected to be accountable at all times to G2K, the JLP and to their colleagues.
    All members are expected to be loyal at all times to their country, G2K as an Organisation, the JLP and their colleagues. Loyalty means that the integrity of your actions ensures that G2K and its members are protected at all times.
    All members are expected to act in a polite manner, dress appropriately and to ensure that their behaviour and character are unquestionable always.