About Us

Meet the Management Team

G2K's management team is made up of young persons from a wide range of professions and organizations across Jamaica

Profile Photo of Stephen Edwards G2K President

Stephen Edwards


Mr. Stephen Edwards is a Civil Engineer and Former University Lecturer

generic headshot female

Kimberly McLeod

Vice President

Daniella Allen

Daniella Allen

Vice President

Daniella Allen is a financial analyst at an international conglomerate


Ryan Strachan

Vice President

Ryan Strachan is Vice President of G2K

Edson Carr

Edson Carr

Vice President

Edson Carr is an assistant lecturer at the University of Technology


Richard Hamilton

General Secretary

Mr. Hamilton is a Businessman


Our Approach

Our History

Generation 2000 (G2K) is the young professional affiliate of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP). It is a center-right political youth organization that was founded in 2000 by a group of young professionals that saw a need for professional politics in Jamaica . The organization was incorporated as a corporate non-profit body, with a Board of Directors chaired by David Panton in the year 2000.

Our Story

Past Presidents of G2K


PRESIDENT Term In Office Roles Played in Government of Jamaica
Matthew Samuda 2015-2016 Government Senator
Floyd Green 2012-2015 Member of Parliament / Minister of State in the Ministry of Education
Delano Seiveright 2009-2012 Constituency Caretaker / Senior Adviser Ministry of Tourism
Warren Newby 2006-2007 Government Senator
Christopher Tufton 2003-2006 Government Senator / Member of Parliament / Minister of Agriculture / Minister of Health
Ronald Robinson 2002-2003 Government Senator
David Panton 2000-2002 Government Senator

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