Tuesday, April 11th, 2017



Generation 2000 (G2K), the young professional affiliate of the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), today said that all government Ministries and agencies should work effectively together in building out a medical, therapeutic and scientific based cannabis industry while promoting a strong and balanced public education campaign that outlines both the benefits and risks associated with the plant.


“After the amendments to the Dangerous Drugs Act in 2015, thereby allowing for the development of an industry, no stone should be left unturned in ensuring that it be made a reality. Several countries, including our neighbour the Cayman Islands, have rushed past Jamaica in an industry that Jamaica has a natural advantage.”, said G2K Vice President Edson Z. Carr

Page 36 of the 2016 JLP Manifesto noted that, “the Jamaica Labour Party will make the worldwide market more aware of our revised local regime in respect of personal ganja use and medicinal marijuana availability. Development of medicinal marijuana is a large potential growth area both in terms of export potential and as a draw for medical tourists.”

 “No public official should be allowed to stand in the way of the industry’s careful development and what was a manifesto-committment by the ruling Jamaica Labour Party in the 2016 election campaign. High level public official(s) who are overwhelmingly resistant to the achievement of the administration’s goals and objectives should come under immediate review.” Said G2K President Stephen Edwards

Generation 2000 noted that so far, the organisation is pleased with the leadership of Industry, Commerce and Agriculture Minister, Karl Samuda and Justice Minister, Delroy Chuck on ganja policy in general.

Recently, Delano Seiveright, a leading Cannabis Reform advocate expressed concerns about Chief Medical Officer Dr. Winston De Lay Haye’s role in ganja policy given his recent statements and long held hostility towards ganja in general. De La Haye was brought into the Ministry of Health just prior to the February 2016 General Election.